
Whiting Coq de Leon Feathers 12 pc Select

 6,95 12,95

SKU: COQDL-X Category:


Because buying full Whiting Coq de Leon Capes is expensive, we have now included selection packs from Whiting in our range in addition to the full capes.
Whiting Coq de Leon feathers are often used as a tail for (Jig) Nymphs. A few fibers as a tail give a super lively effect. The Pardo resembles the tail of the mayfly
There are several variants. Below a description of the Pardo and Indio colours.
Light Pardo Speckled: Light brown in color and with black dots on the feather.
Medium Pardo Speckled: Dark brown in color and with black dots on the feather.
Indio Silver: Solid silver gray feathers without dots.
A Coq de Leon Select set consists of 12 Whiting springs of the highest quality with a length of up to 15 cm.
Now available in various colors and temporarily extra affordable for introduction!

Additional information


Light Pardo Speckled, Indio Silver, Unique Variant, Brown, Kingfisher Blue, Silver Doctor Blue, Golden Olive, Grizzly Pardo