Vision Kust Shooting Head Clear Float


SKU: VKH15CFXXX Category:


The original Kust fly line has a 10 meter head and 20 meter of floating running line. The line has a slick and supple coating, which remains memory free even in cold conditions. The slickness is achieved by adding Teflon particles to the coating and in this way the slickness does not wear off either. The low stretch core helps you to feel the takes and it also transfers casting energy far more efficiently than traditional cores. The line is perfect for most situations a coastal angler will face while hunting the elusive seatrout.

However, in certain locations, really long casts are required on a regular basis. Casting a 30 meter long Kust line fully out is a job well-done, but more importantly, long casts are sometimes needed to be performed in a very fast way, when a faraway school of seatrout is moving fast. There is no time for several false casts in this case. That is the main reason why Vision is introducing two 10 meter long Kust Shooting Heads (SH): a clear floater and a light-olive SloMo. When combined with a thin running line, for example Vision’s Catapult Flat Shooter, the angler gets additional benefit as the running line has a much smaller surface area for wave/current disturbances, when compared to the integrated running line used in Vision’s full length Kust fly lines. This provides better control of the fly and enables easier detection of subtle takes. The ready-made loops make it easy to attach the shooting head to the leader and to the running line.

When it is all about gentle and precise presentation, go for the full-length Kust fly line. When it is all about distance and speed of casting, go for the new 10 meter Kust Shooting Heads by Vision.


  • Available in weights of 15, 17, 19 and 21grams
  • Length 10 meters

Additional information


#7/8 – 17g – 262 grain, #9/10 – 21g – 324 grain