Airflo Polyleader Salmon And Steelhead 8ft


SKU: PFX-8S Category:


Available in a wide range of densities, the Airflo Polyleaders Salmon And Steelhead 8ft provide an arsenal of options to the salmon and steelhead fly fisher. Need to wake bombers? Airflo has got you covered. Time to dredge the deep unknown? No worries. Airflo can help with that, too.

Being available in a wide range of lengths, the Airflo Polyleaders Salmon And Steelhead let you really fine tune your presentations and find that perfect casting balance on any given day. These 8 ft./240 cm leaders are often a good option when you find yourself in a tight corner. Add tippet with up to 24 lb breaking strain.

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Clear Floating, Clear Hover, Clear Intermediate, Slow Sink Green, Fast Sink Brown, Super Fast Sink Grey, Extra Fast Sink Black