Airflo Polyleader Salmon And Steelhead 5ft


SKU: PFX-5S Category:


The Airflo Polyleaders Salmon and Steelhead 5ft offer great turn over for bulky and heavy flies. Available in seven different sink rates from floating right through to extra super-fast sinking, these five feet/150 cm long polyleaders provide complete depth control, which is so often essential when fishing for salmon and steelhead.

The floating polyleaders are ideal for fishing bombers, with the slow sinking polyleaders allowing you to bed your flies down just a few inches to avoid drag from a floating line. The extra fast sinking leader gets your flies as deep as possible. Airflo recommends a maximum tippet strength of 24 lb./10.8 kg.

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Clear Floating, Clear Hover, Clear Intermediate, Slow Sink Green, Fast Sink Brown, Super Fast Sink Grey, Extra Fast Sink Black